Over the Counter Medicines

People in Stockport are being asked to give their views on the recommendations by NHS England to change how some medicines are routinely prescribed.

Last year NHS England completed a national consultation that looked at 33 routinely prescribed treatments that have limited clinical value or for conditions which will eventually get better of their own accord. On average the NHS spends around £569 million a year on these treatments.

NHS England issued guidance following the consultation that is underpinned by the following principles:

Encouraging people to take care of themselves and their families;
Stopping the prescription of drugs which have limited clinical effectiveness;
Reducing the prescription of drugs available over the counter for the treatment of minor conditions such as coughs and colds.
The medicines within the NHS England consultation are all readily available from community pharmacies and in many cases from supermarkets and other outlets.

Please take the time to complete the online survey so that we can take account of the views of patients, public and local communities.

You can complete the survey here: Over The Counter Medicines.

The survey will be open from 4 March until 1 April 2019.

Outlined below is the details information about the conditions included in the consultation and the alternative medications available.

Please read the information before completing the survey.

Please contact the CCG at [email protected] if you require any further information. The feedback from the consultation will be published on our website.

Over the Counter Medicines – Further Information.

NHS England National Consultation

NHS England recommendations on Over the Counter Medicines
Over the Counter Medicines – Easy Read Information
OTC Survey – Easy Read