About Viaduct

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a pioneering leader in Primary Care, providing collaborative, high quality, health and wellbeing services for the communities we serve.

Viaduct Care is Stockport’s GP practices coming together to deliver primary care in a new way. As the world of health and social care changes around us, Viaduct Care brings GP practices together to meet these new challenges.

Who We Are

Viaduct Care is a GP Federation made up of 32 GP Practices across Stockport, placing general practices at the heart of what we do.  Established in 2017, Viaduct Care is responsible for providing health care services for the people of Stockport. We will invest our annual budget of £7m to ensure people have access to high quality health and wellbeing services in primary and community care settings to improve the health of Stockport and to reduce health inequalities.

Coming together in this way as a Federation, helps practices work differently in order to meet the challenge of delivering modern primary care. Whilst the GP practice will remain as the centre of primary care, working together to deliver services in different ways allows practices to meet the changing needs of an increasing population.

What we do

With the unprecedented challenges facing both the NHS and our GP Practices, Viaduct Care work closely with its GP members to help reduce this load.  Viaduct does this by offering services to help reduce waiting lists and unnecessary GP appointment times, so that patients receive a great level quality service in a quicker time where possible.

Contact Us

We’re happy to hear from you, at any time.